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Driver Platform Version Release License Update
Fujitsu IDE FJDT Diagnostic v6.20 For Dos download DOS v6.20 18 Jun 2004 Free Driver 20 Oct 2004
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147 Kb 524 512 2005-12-13 Fujitsu IDE FJDT Diagnostic v6.20 For Dos. A diagnostic tool to help customers speedily verifiy whether their hard drive is operating correctly. FJDT can diagnose your suspected faulty hard drive by checking the S.M.A.R.T. data and also by scanning the entire surface of the drive, sector by sector, to verify media integrity. FJDT can be run from a bootable MSDOS diskette, which enables diagnosis even when the OS is not booting. FJDT is a quick and efficient way of diagnosing a suspect hard drive without having to disassemble your PC and remove your hard drive. This will enable you to get back online in the shortest possible time. FJDT will only perform a non-destructive test allowing your data to remain intact after diagnosis. After running FJDT a `PASS` or `FAIL` result will be generated. A `PASS` confirms a correctly functioning drive whilst a `FAIL` confirms a fault and the necessity to contact your supplier. A full user guide outlining diagnostic help is included in the zipped package.
Driver Platform Version Release License Update
Fujitsu HandyDrive USB Driver Windows 98/ME download Windows 98/ME N/A 19 Jan 2004 Free Driver 20 Oct 2004
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14 Kb 105 112 2005-12-13 Fujitsu HandyDrive USB Driver Windows 98/ME.
Driver Platform Version Release License Update
Fujitsu FJ-IDE Drive Initializer Utility v1.00 DOS download DOS v1.00 27 Nov 1998 Free Driver 20 Oct 2004
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33 Kb 579 506 2005-12-13 Fujitsu FJ-IDE Drive Initializer Utility v1.00 DOS. This application performs a pseudo-format of any Fujitsu 2.5-inch or 3.5 inch E-IDE disk drive. It erases all hard disk data and initialises it to `00` pattern. You will be able to erase the whole user area including your Master Boot Record, Partition Table, FAT (File Allocation Table), and all the files and data it refers to. If you want to migrate from one OS to another or you want to re-install your OS and want to be sure your drive is `clean`, then you may want to perform this `ERASE` function.
Driver Platform Version Release License Update
Fujitsu Disk Manager v9.52 Windows 9x/NT/2000/DOS/OS2 download Windows 9x/NT/2000/DOS/OS2 v9.52 20 Sep 2002 Free Driver 20 Oct 2004
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1 Mb 110 93 2005-12-13 Fujitsu Disk Manager v9.52 Windows 9x/NT/2000/DOS/OS2.
Driver Platform Version Release License Update
Fujitsu Siemens Pocket LOOX 720 Flash Update GB P22452-P929-V712 1.00.09 4.21.1088 PPC2003 download Windows Mobile 2003 P22452-P929-V712 1.00.09 4.21.1088 18 Nov 2004 Free Driver 25 Sep 2005
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16.6 Mb 523 482 2005-12-13 IMPORTANT NOTES (ATTENTION: DATA LEAKAGE) No other USB device should be connected. If using USB, the Pocket LOOX needs to be connected to the computers USB port directly, do not use a USB hub. This update replaces the current Flash Image of the Pocket LOOX. All data on the device will be deleted. Do not use Active Sync to backup and restore your data. A backup created on a device with the old Flash Image will overwrite important files on the device with the new Flash Image. This could lead to unforeseeable behaviour of the device.HOW TO PROCEED Before the update, synchronise your Pocket LOOX with the host PC so all PIM (personal information manager) data (appointments, addresses etc.) is available in Outlook. Copy all personal files (word documents, Excel files, MP3 etc.) to the host PC using the Explore function of Active Sync. Make a note of all user settings in the Pocket LOOX (connection data etc.). Make sure you have the original installation files of all programs installed on the Pocket LOOX. Start the update utility. Do not connect the Pocket LOOX until the program tells you to. Make sure the Pocket LOOX is connected to AC power. Make sure the PC is connected to AC power and cannot go into power save mode. Follow the instructions on the screen. After the update has ended successfully, restart Active Sync manually. With the Pocket LOOX disconnected, delete the old partnership under File, Delete Partnership, but if asked to delete the Synchronised Files, click No. Connect the Pocket LOOX to the host PC. Active Sync will now offer a new partnership. Enter a name for the partnership. When the new partnership is set, all PIM data will be synchronised with the Pocket LOOX. Copy all personal files back to your Pocket LOOX using the Explore function of Active Sync. Reinstall all user installed programs. Either by using the original installation files or by using Active Sync, Tools, Add/Remove Programs.Important: Please use only the Explorer Function of ActiveSync to save your data and do not use the Backup Function. Background: Microsoft Active Sync Backup is only able to save and restore data on the SAME basic software. Since the basic software is updated completely, it is NOT possible to restore the data saved with ActiveSync Backup (ATTENTION: DATA LEAKAGE). The registry is also flashed back to the previous software level with Backup.Expension of function: - Audio Out on cradle connector. - Improved SDIO driver.
Driver Platform Version Release License Update
Fujitsu Siemens Pocket LOOX 718/720 CONNECTMOBLITY-E2C 3.00 1038 download Windows Mobile 2003/2003SE 3.00 1038 8 Jan 2005 Free Driver 25 Sep 2005
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1.33 Mb 112 99 2005-12-13 Fujitsu Siemens Pocket LOOX 718/720 CONNECTMOBLITY-E2C 3.00 1038 (30 day test version).This is a 30 day test version. A license could be bought there: sure the Pocket LOOX is connected to your PC via Active Sync. Start the installationfile and follow the instractions on the screen.CONNECTMOBLITY-E2C (E2C for short) is a tool that enables you to establish a connection to the Internet or to your company`s intranet very easily by simply pressing a button.With a few clicks you can change between your company WLAN, your private WLAN at home or a WLAN hotspot in a cafe or at the airport. You can connect to BT or IrDA via your GPRS-capable telephone without having to think about settings and automatically start your preferred application.Do you need the safest possible access to your company network? E2C supports you with VPN technology and WLAN-WPA.Do you want to configure your private WLAN network to be very secure without a lot of effort and expense? No problem! In addition to WEP encryption, E2C also offers you the recommended WPA PreSharedKey method here.E2C features: CONNECTMOBILITY-E2C (E2C) exists both as a Standard Edition and as a Professional Edition. The following table provides an overview of which features E2C contains in the respective edition. Some of the features are tied to certain system requirements. For example, a WLAN or BT connection can only be established if a WLAN or BT hardware module is installed in your Pocket PC. The same applies for the support of CF cards. Other features require additionally installed software, such as the movianVPN, or the RSA Soft Token.
Driver Platform Version Release License Update
Fujitsu Siemens Pocket LOOX 710/718/720 CONNECT2AIR CF-Card GPRS Multiplexer Driver WM2003 download Windows Mobile 2003 S22452-P639-V240 2.0 27.10.2004 28 Oct 2004 Free Driver 25 Sep 2005
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1.27 Mb 108 82 2005-12-13 Fujitsu Siemens Pocket LOOX 710/718/720 CONNECT2AIR CF-Card GPRS Multiplexer Driver S22452-P639-V240 2.0 27.10.2004 WM2003.

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